For more on how to listen, enjoy, and trust your intuition, check out the Clear Channel Course here.

Other Professionals, Services & Resources

Helpful Resources

If you'd like to gain more clarity in life without necessarily wanting to book a private session with anyone, you may find it worthwhile to check out the helpful resources that I’ve used for intuitive development and spiritual growth in the past. Many of these are referred to in my online Clear Channel Course and the book that it’s based on.


Please see below for a list of various professionals and types of services I’ve previously enjoyed (there is no referral fee or other incentive to be received in providing this information, I am simply sharing these details in case they are of interest or potentially helpful). 

  • Astrology: Damian Rocks is an astrologer who offers consultations and courses that can be viewed at: You can read about a consultation I received from Damian here.

  • IST: IST stands for ‘Inner Space Techniques’. An IST practitioner can guide you into the inner space of your consciousness – from there, experiences of energetic healing, emotional processing, and/or greater self-understanding can arise. To ask about practitioners in your area, email For more information on Inner Space Techniques, click here.

  • Space clearing: Search for a space clearer in your area by visiting the International Directory of Practitioners at For a description of my own experience having a space clearing at home completed by Richard Kingston, click here.

  • Tarot: Sarah Barry provides tarot readings and classes that you can find out about through her website: I wrote about one of Sarah’s workshops that I attended in 2017; click here for more information.

Final Note

We're all different, and so our preferences for certain types of services or professionals will differ as well.

You can check out places such as new age stores or festivals where there’s often a smorgasbord of intuitives to choose from. One of the best readings I ever had was booked at a noisy, crowded, Mind Body Spirit Festival where I was able to select a reader from the several professionals who were available on the day.

The same goes for books, courses, and other resources that might help you on your journey. If you do an internet search or ask friends for advice, you may end up with countless recommendations to choose from. Again, not everything will resonate with you, so when in doubt just let your intuition guide you :)

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