Clear Channel Course

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"My intuition practice reached new heights upon reading Jess's book, Channel, and then really accelerated after taking her Clear Channel course, in ways I've never experienced ... I am finally at a point where I am able to integrate my spiritual life with my 'regular' life, thanks to Jess."

~ Amy L. (Berkeley, CA, USA)

The Clear Channel Course is a 10-week online program based on the ideas and principles found in the book Channel: How to be a Clear Channel for Inspiration by Listening, Enjoying and Trusting Your Intuition.  

The course is comprised of audio lessons, written transcripts, summaries, recommended activities, and recordings of small group discussions.

The overall aim is to provide tools and encouragement to help boost your confidence and strengthen your ability to access your intuition, in order to lead a more inspired life. 

The course follows the following structure:

• Course Introduction: Includes a summary of what will be covered and some tips on how to work through the course to get the most out of it. 

• Week 1: Ask: Learn to ask for the clarity or answers that you want, and to actively listen to what your intuition has to say.  

• Week 2: Spiritual Beliefs and Intuition: Uncover your beliefs about intuitive abilities, the source of intuition, and the value of meditation, then choose what beliefs to keep in order to hear your intuition better.  

• Week 3: Kindness, Compassion, and Connection: Explore the importance of relationships and connecting with others while developing your intuition. 

• Week 4: Answers: What sort of answers might you receive after listening to your intuition? What intuitive modalities can such answers come through? This will be covered in Week 4. 

• Week 5: “No!” How to Say No to Others to Stay True to Yourself: Become better at saying “no” and create boundaries to honour your intuitive knowing, even if it doesn’t always match what other people want for you. 

• Week 6: Down in the Dumps? How to Improve Your Energy and Mood for Greater Intuitive Ability: Consider different ways to improve your level of energy and mood so that you can enjoy your intuitive ability even more (as you’re probably already aware, lethargy, depression, and anxiety can really interfere with your capacity to tap in to your intuition). 

• Week 7: Open and Surrender: Open and surrender to your intuition, and see what happens! Don’t be surprised if this leads you to take a lot of action (as opposed to remaining passive in your life) and to become aware of new opportunities and possibilities you hadn’t noticed before.  

• Week 8: Power of Trusting and Preparing for Change: Prepare for change as a way to demonstrate to others and yourself that you’re ready to let go of things as they are now, and trust enough to allow new experiences into your life that are more aligned with who you really are and what feels right to you. 

• Week 9: Energy and Chakras: Use your intuition to tune into your own energy and chakras (a Sanskrit word to describe your main energetic centres). 

• Week 10: Now: The final week of the course focuses on the importance of staying in the here-and-now, and trusting your intuition enough to guide you each moment.  

The total cost is $117 AUD, and you can sign up by clicking on the button below. 

Clear Channel Course - $117

* Once payment has been processed, you will be redirected to a webpage for details on how to log in, and will have immediate access to all material for the 10 weeks of the course. There are no refunds for the course.

The content will remain accessible for you to review at any time, for as long as the website is active.