For more on how to listen, enjoy, and trust your intuition, check out the Clear Channel Course here.

10-Week Package

Consultations can be booked as part of a package, which includes 10 x 50-minute intuitive consultations over a 10-week period.

The package is 1500 AUD and can be paid upfront or in weekly instalments. 

There is currently a waiting list for 2024. If you would like to stay updated about availability, the best way is to sign up for monthly email updates

See below to read about others' experiences after signing up for a package:

"The fact that I want to undertake the program again is a testimonial in itself. Seriously, I did get a lot out of it and enjoyed the experience, it also forced me to tune in / meditate more frequently and pay attention to my body and mind."

~ Martin L. 

"I began the 10 weeks with Jess within weeks of telling my partner that I felt stuck; that there were things I wanted to achieve but I was overwhelmed when it came to direction and action steps. I said I was ready to make important changes, but I just needed someone to guide me. So, I was understandably thrilled when I found out about the 10-week package.

“As it progressed, my general excitement for life and the course itself only increased. It wasn't long before I was gushing to others about having a personalised 'life cheat sheet'. A few were hesitant about the costs, but when you consider what you're getting, the price is cheap. Besides, in a selfish way, other people's cynicism delighted me, because it's less people I have to compete with for such a good thing. There is only one intuitive Jess and I would happily keep her to myself, but from a gratitude standpoint I owe it to her to write an honest review.

“For Jess, her job is relatively simple. She's not a life coach who takes your information and personally calculates what she considers would work for you - she connects directly with guidance that is solely applicable to you, for your own well-being. The information she has is specifically for your greater good, no one else's, that's why it's so powerful. It's also quite fun. Perhaps what was most essential for my own comfort was Jess being a naturally compassionate and non-judgmental person, so her sessions were an excellent space to work on personal development.

“There are no strict demands or penalties in the process but it's a two-way street - whether you decide to follow the guidance to receive the benefits is entirely up to you. You could compare it to a personal trainer who happens to know that sit-ups would improve your physique more than jumping jacks; if you refuse to do the sit-ups, that's on you. Definitely don't sign up for this package if you are expecting Jess to perform miracles without you having to lift a finger - it is interactive and rewarding.

“I highly recommend recording sessions (actually, I believe this is critical) because memories can be easily wiped or distorted, and there were many occasions I'd have never given Jess credit for outcomes had I not listened back to the audio and realised her advice was responsible for so much change and the predictions she supplied were fulfilled. Honestly the only times an expected change or development didn't happen, was when I didn't do an agreed upon task.

“More than half a year later, I often listen back to the recordings because they are so strangely perceptive and uplifting; much better than any motivational talk, because these talks cater to my individual interests and I can see in the weeks, months (and eventually, years) that pass, how far I have come and how uncannily insightful Jess was."

~ Michelle E.A. (Australia)

“My life is really turning around ...You were the instrument that has made this HUGE change in my life. I am moving into happiness and joy for so many reasons. You and my guides have given me so many tools that I am implementing now, and cool ways to deal with difficult people or situations. I truly recommend doing 10 sessions with Jess. It’s brilliant!!”

~ N. Dowling (Australia)

“Jess' readings have changed my life. There were times when the messages she passed on didn't seem to make sense, or weren't what I wanted to hear, and those were the ones I needed to pay close attention to! For example, in one reading I was advised to take extended leave from my job. It sounded ridiculous and terrifying at the time, and it took me a while to come around to the idea. But eventually I took a leap of faith and I did it, and wow, my life changed so much as a result. I credit that leave (and other guidance Jess passed on over the weeks) with me starting to date the man who is now my husband, being able to move to a new place that I love, and with a growing family that brings me enormous joy. It's entirely possible that all of these things would have happened anyway over time, but I doubt it, and at the very least I credit the readings with Jess for the flow and ease and rapidity with which my life transformed (it was like everything changed at more than triple speed).

“In terms of the ten-week package - I can't speak highly enough of it. Without it I wouldn't have built up the same momentum of change, or achieved the clarity I did, or developed and trusted my own intuition to the same extent. It gave me time to properly consider and realise the value of some messages that I didn't initially put much store by. It's also striking that now, years later, I see the wisdom of some of the things Jess was pointing out to me back then even more clearly, in unexpected ways. By committing to ten weeks, you are setting a powerful intention for what you want in your life... and even if you don't know specifically what that is upfront, with Jess's gentle support over that time you'll certainly have some great guidance to help you find it!”

~ N. Johnson (Australia)

For other testimonials, please click here.